Accessibility plan

We try to ensure our events are as accessible as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Community events

We will run community events on Zoom with automatic captions. We will also try to use accessible tools to share ideas and communicate ideas.


Conference format

We use Zoom webinar because it is widely used, with familiar functionality. 


Talks will be pre-recorded so that we can ensure:
  • Captions can be added to the videos with precision
  • There are fewer connection issues 
  • Questions can be answered by speakers during the talks on the chat
  • Time zones won’t be as challenging for speakers from another part of the globe
For the Q+A period, we will have automatic captions with the recordings transcribed by humans.

Session recording

Recordings of the sessions will be available afterwards on YouTube, with captions and transcripts. 

Speaker appearances

Speaker appearances will also be described by the host prior to the talk. We will ask for speakers to provide these when sending across their videos.


Our aim is that workshop facilitators use collaborative tools that are not a barrier for participants. For example, we try to avoid using Miro.

We also ask that workshop participants let us know of any assitive tools they use so we can accommodate and plan for this.


These plans were made in collaboration with our 2021 sponsor, Fable, who are digital accessibility experts.

Fable logo - pink shield and black text saying 'Fable'